Posted by: kansaschern | July 27, 2015

RE-ORG : Step-by-Step Reorganizations for Small Museums

RE-ORG : Step-by-Step Reorganizations for Small Museums

Webinar from Connecting to Collections Care Online Community (C2C)

AUGUST 5, 2015  2:00-3:00 EDT

As museum collections continue to grow, adequate storage space is becoming a rare commodity. A recent international survey indicated that roughly two thirds of collections in storage were at serious risk. With poor storage conditions, it is challenging for museums to use collections for enjoyment, research or education; moreover, effective emergency response may be compromised. RE-ORG, developed by ICCROM and UNESCO, is a step-by-step methodology to assist small museums in reorganizing their storage areas for better access and conservation. The focus of RE-ORG is on making improvements to existing storage areas, and not on planning and building new facilities. This webinar is an introduction to the RE-ORG methodology and various tools (both current and upcoming), and to the Canadian Conservation Institute’s RE-ORG: Canada training program.

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